Monday, July 03, 2006

The Second Ring Anniversary

It's hard 2 believe that on June 29th this blog actually turned two years old. Where the hell does the time go? I don't blog nearly as much as I used to and I don't spend any time at all really promoting it or linking it or doing anything with it really, but still I keep it around. I guess it's just a good way for me to reflect without actually keeping a diary, keeping the really personal stuff to myself, of course. I guess one reason I haven't blogged as much this past year is that a lot of really personal things have happened. From almost being killed (it was only God that spared me and my family that day) to coming out of a personal storm with a loved one that I thought was going to destroy me at one point, I've done a lot of growing up this past year and have a newfound respect for time and life. Some things that I have done/figured out since my Second Ring Anniversay:

1. I STOPPED THE MUSIC! I took out my calculator and found out just how much money I've spent on my music career and compared it to how much I've recouped ... and I wept. Then I got over it. Saturn has been hibernating. But he shall make a return ... in a big way!

2. I STARTED A BUSINESS! I started with my music career in mind, mind U. It's doing pretty well so far. I expect it will continue to grow and it's something I actually enjoy. And it has nothing to do with sex and boys, which seemed to be all I ever thought about! Go figure!

3. I'M ALMOST A GROWN UP! Cuz I'm finally in a relationship. With a dude. A beautiful dude. One who actually calls me and considers me and cares 4 me and appreciates me. Whew boy, did I have 2 kiss a lot of frogs to find this prince! Woo - hoo!

4. I QUIT MY JOB! Though I'm not quite starving yet, I have no safety net anymore. I cut it up. And I absolutely don't miss it. If all else fails, I still have my body, right? I think subconsciously I'm just looking 4 an excuse 2 give porn a try. Ha ha.

5. I WANT 2 SAVE THE WORLD! I mean I must. How else can I explain my superhero fetish? From Harry Potter to the X-Men to Superman to my brand new fascination with all things Smallville. God, how did I never realize how smoking hot Tom Welling is? Anyhoo, I think a lot of artists have superhero complexes, rather they realize it or not. Why else are we artists?

For the next year, I hope 2 blog more. I hope 2 love more. I hope 2 f*ck more. I hope 2 travel more. I hope 2 work out more. I hope 2 learn more, write more, sing more, act more, meet more people, discover new meanings in life, buy a house somewheres and make money doing something I actually enjoy 4 once.

4 my third ring, I hope 2 continue a journey that sees me renewed constantly. 2 always feel 18, newly emancipated and seeing the world with brand new eyes of optimism and possibility and fire and zeal, that's the way I always want 2 feel and that's exactly the way I feel right now.

And I end this blog entry asking the same question I asked in my very first blog entry two years ago: 'Does anyone actually read these things anyway?" The only difference now is it doesn't really matter. In ten or twenty years I'll look back on some of this and read it and go 'wow' and be glad I took a little time 2 put some of my scattered thoughts into cyberspace.

"Today is a special day we call our own." - Toni Tony Tone, Anniversay

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